DIC Roundtable: 2023 - Diversity & Inclusivity Roundtable: Advancing multiple dimensions of diversity at OHBM
The DIC annual Roundtable

Diversity & Inclusivity Roundtable: Advancing multiple dimensions of diversity at OHBM
“Diversity” is, unironically, diverse. At last year’s roundtable, the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee along with the Student-Postdoc SIG, Open Science SIG, SEA-SIG, BrainArt SIG, Communications Committee, and OHBM Chapters met to discuss the best practices for promoting diversity and inclusivity. See our recent blog post for a high-level overview. This year, we build on these discussions by highlighting the multiple dimensions on which diversity can exist (e.g. gender, ethnicity, or geographic), and discussing how to navigate these dimensions when creating symposia, educational courses, brain hackathons, etc.
This round table will help provide information about the current requirements for submitting a symposium or roundtable at OHBM and about recommended best practices for organizing a diverse group of speakers for a symposium or conference, moving us towards our common goals of making OHBM a welcoming place for our diverse global membership. Please join us on Monday, July 24, at 12:30 pm in Room 510 to learn more.