Kids Review: Mandarin 2023 - 构筑彩巢、探密青春、关爱脑智

    Theme: Building Color Nests, Probing Youth, Caring Brain & Mind

    我们每个人都头顶一个独一无二的大脑。在讲座中,我将带领大家通过一个在中国家喻户晓的传统神话人物,脚踏风火轮,手拿金刚戟的“莲花童子”—哪吒。通过他的成长故事,与大家一起分享脑智发育的科学规律,介绍我们中国人的彩巢计划,带你一起探秘青春成长的烦恼,呼吁我们家庭、社会和学校来共同关爱儿童脑智健康, 关心他们未来的一生成长。

    Every brain matters. In this talk, you will get to know a household legendary character from traditional Chinese myth, Ne Zha, also known as “Lotus Prince”, whose growing up story will give you a glimpse into the fascinating development of brain and mind. Over the past decade, our research team have devoted to collecting data on brain and mind across different stages of the human lifespan (6-85 years old) in China. You will also know more about the “Chinese Color Nest Project”, exploring growing-up pains and gains in youth from the neuroscience perspective. Most importantly, we are hoping to raise the awareness of individual family, the whole society and all schools to care for brain health. Let’s BRAIN together for a better future!

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    Presenters and organizers

    Professor Zuo is the brain behind the “Chinese Color Nest Project (CCNP) – Growing up in China” Project. His research team have devoted to collecting data on brain and mind across different stages of the human lifespan (6-85 years old) in China, which has set up protocols on the Chinese normative brain development charts across the human lifespan. (革新个体差异神经影像测量的信效度,发起“国际信度与可重复性联盟”并领衔建设“中国彩巢计划”,实证学龄儿童青少年脑发育的中美差异,揭示出青春期脑功能梯度转换规律及其网络基础,参与绘制人类生命周期脑图表,提出发展人口神经科学。)

    As a former middle-school teacher and current full-time PhD student, I have a deep-rooted love for language teaching and educational neuroscience. I strive to translate brain research findings into practical classroom instructions to empower education. (我曾是一名中学英文老师,对英语教育充满热忱,同时也对脑科学如何赋能教育充满好奇!)

    As a psychology major student, I have developed a keen interest in the fields of cognition and neuroscience. Studying the research about brain structure and function has not only expanded my knowledge but also deepened my passion for this field. I am eager to continue learning and exploring the complexities of the brain. (我目前就读于加拿大麦吉尔大学心理系,是一名大二学生。我对认知和神经科学领域有着浓厚的兴趣。学习有关大脑结构和功能的研究不仅帮助我扩大了知识面,也加深了我对这个领域的热情。我渴望继续学习并探索大脑的复杂性。)

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