OHBM DIC: Our Mission

A critical part of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping’s strategic initiatives is to develop a plan that will ensure that gender, cultural, and geographic diversity exists within OHBM’s activities and, in particular, the Annual Meeting. This plan should further advance the Organization’s enduring mission to create a wholly diverse, engaged, and inclusive international community of those dedicated to discover the organization of the human brain.
Committee Purpose:
The Diversity and Inclusivity Committee will consider and make recommendations to Council regarding the organization’s diversity and gender efforts. The charge of the Committee is to:
- Create an OHBM diversity and gender plan. This will include collecting data to assist with understanding the current and past demographics within OHBM’s leadership and membership. Such data will be used to map the OHBM diversity from historical and current perspectives.
- Investigate best practices suggested by current research on fostering inclusive environments, as well as practices implemented by other societies and organizations regarding diversity and gender integration.
- Develop new policies and programs for creating a more inclusive environment, including leadership, education, and mentorship. This will also include a critical look at the nominations process for Council and, if needed, make recommendations to Council.
- Interface with the Communications Committee to interact with the OHBM community and keep the membership informed over its progress.
- Help OHBM achieve its diversity and gender goals as identified in the plan.
- Evaluate the effectiveness of strategies identified and assess success of diversity and gender integration into the OHBM culture.
Composition & Term of Service:
The composition of the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee will consist of between (9-15) members including the Chair and Chair-Elect. Additionally, a Call for Volunteers will be sent to the membership seeking interested individuals. Information collected via this call will include:
- Name, credentials, email address, position (student, post doc, scientist/research associate, junior faculty, senior faculty),
- Institution, country of residence, country of birth
- Gender and sexual identity
- A statement of interest as to why they want to serve on the committee. Adding any relevant experience or engagement with diversity/gender issues would be helpful.
The Diversity and Inclusivity Committee will meet via conference call at least two times a year via conference call and one time in-person during the Annual Meeting. No compensation will be provided.