We are a integrated team of OHBM members with diverse background and career stages working to improve the diversity of scientists and science itself.
The Diveristy and Inclusivity Committee at OHBM hosts the DIC symposium in the annual OHBM meetings. Find the invited speakers in our past events.
We host the DIC roundtable in the annual OHBM meetings to cover different topics and share ideas.
Our signature project “Brain Mappers of Tomorrow (formerly Multilingual Kids Live Review)” is taking place every year in both in-person and visual formats. Last year (2023), we hosted 17 sessions in 12 languages!
Check our recent publication in Neuroimage “Tzovara et al. (2021) Embracing diversity and inclusivity in an academic setting - Insights from the Organization for Human Brain Mapping”
Toward more creative and productive science
Check out our blog post to learn about the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee (DIC) and other Special Interest Group (SIG) Events: what to expect from 2024 OHBM in Seoul https://www.ohbm-com.com/blog/diversity-and-inclusivity-committee-dic-and-other-special-interest-group-sig-events-what-to-expect-from-2024-ohbm-in-seoul
Check out our blog post to learn about the 2023 OHBM Kids Live Review - a series interactive events engaging children with neuroscience https://www.ohbmbrainmappingblog.com/blog/ohbm-kids-live-review-what-we-can-learn-from-2023-event-organizers
Check out our blog post for an overview of the election procedures and results! https://www.ohbmbrainmappingblog.com/blog/ohbm-diversity-and-inclusivity-committee-2023-2024-election-results
Here we describe what you can expect from our DIC events from the OHBM 2023 annual meeting! https://www.ohbmbrainmappingblog.com/blog/what-to-expect-from-the-diversity-and-inclusivity-committee-at-the-2023-ohbm-annual-meeting
Check out our OHBM blog post about “Best practices for ensuring diversity of presenters at OHBM” published in December 1, 2022! https://www.ohbmbrainmappingblog.com/blog/best-practices-for-ensuring-diversity-of-presenters-at-ohbm
Check out our latest OHBM post that reviews the events hosted by OHBM DIC in the annual meeting of OHBM published in May 27, 2022! https://www.ohbmbrainmappingblog.com/blog/diversity-inclusivity-events-at-the-2022-ohbm-annual-meeting-if-you-want-to-go-far-go-together